I was recently hashing this subject out with a dear friend. A somber conversation we've had before. Her eyes welled with tears and her voice choked. My eyes would well up too once upon a time. Instead, I've grown some thick skin over my tender heart and my anger and even bitterness masks the emotional despair I feel deep down. This time we were talking about the perception of mental illness and how it must change. I mean this is America, people. We are GREAT. I digress. Okay, so we talked about depression and how impossible it can be for others to understand or even empathize with it. We swapped stories.
I shared with her an experience I had with my church and just two words in, the fire inside me ignited once again. A few years back I was at an all time low. I was an emotional wreck and I was sure things would never be better but I desperately wanted them to be. I was on several medications, seeing a therapist, psychiatrist and sinking deeper into my bed by the day. I wanted help. I needed someone to help me. I longed for healing, an answer, a cure, a miracle. A light. A light to flood the darkness that swallowed me up.
I finally went to my church pastor.
With my husband by my side, and every ounce of imperfect courage, I poured it all out. I wept. My hands shook. I was at the end of my Prozac bottle and tissue box. My pastor listened. And that was all. That was it. The silence from the "church" was deafening.
But seriously. Let's be honest. |
Is the brain not as much of a life giving organ as the heart? I had a mammogram today. Yippee! I was treated with respect, kindness, and care. Aside from my breast being smashed and radiated, the experience and concern regarding the potential evidence of breast cancer was standard of care at it's best. The waiting room was lovely and the staff was attentive. Even the pens had flowers attached to them. Oh, and it's Breast Cancer Awareness Month so pink pumpkins, pink ribbons and wreaths, and celebrity posters tickled the entire building. I can't say the same for the times I was treated for panic attacks, anxiety attacks, serotonin syndrome etc. When treated for my symptoms, I felt like a criminal simply because my brain wasn't healthy. WHY?
Back to the church. The one place you want to feel accepted might be the last place you find it. Now, I do not want to be a hypocrite and judge while feeling judged. But I have talked to enough people and read enough blogs to know that I am not alone in my aloneness of mental illness and the way the community, including the church, perceives it. I only want to start a conversation that examines the reason this seems to be the way it is. Had I followed my dream of being a documentary filmmaker I would place my award winning video on The Way America Sees Mental Illness below this paragraph. Instead, I'm an unlikely farm girl with depression and anxiety. Nothing award winning there. Just a lot of manure, really.
www.mememaker.net |
And that's where it stops. Even for me. That's where it stops. Because before you can even get your hopes up the conversation and solutions dehumanize and become political and impossible. The go-to response points at lack of funding and other shades of grey excuses. However, conversations don't cost a single penny. A shift in community perception is free. A change of heart is priceless. A compassionate mind in action is healing. There is power in pain and that I know to be certain on so may levels.
Someone you know has an ill organ. That organ might be their brain. Now what?
"A tendency to melancholy...let it be observed, is a misfortune, not a fault."
-Abraham Lincoln
I hear ya, Lincoln. Same for other organ diseases, natural disasters and loss... just saying'.